Of the many types of addiction, meth addiction is one of the most difficult to overcome. This type of addiction affects both a person’s body and mind. Fortunately, there are a variety of proven and effective treatments and therapies available for meth addiction. However, of the many available treatments and therapies in rehabilitation facilities across the United States, one is the most effective for treating meth addiction. 

What is Meth?

Meth, which is short for methamphetamine, is a highly potent and addictive stimulant drug. Most often, meth takes the form of an odorless, crystal-like, white powder. When consumed, meth affects an individual’s central nervous system; this allows its effects to spread throughout the body. However, the most prominent effects of meth use occur in the brain. 

The Effects of Meth Addiction

When consuming meth, individuals often receive an increase in brain activity and energy along with a decrease in appetite. However, meth use also triggers the brain to release large quantities of dopamine. When the brain releases dopamine, it gives a person feelings of pleasure and reward. However, repeated meth use usually damages this vital brain function, making it harder for the brain to release dopamine at all — even with meth use.  

Aside from increasing energy and alertness and damaging the brain, meth use can have several other negative side effects. In the short-term, meth use can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat and hyperthermia. In the long-term, meth addiction can cause paranoia, hallucinations, memory loss, cognitive deficits, aggressive behavior, dental problems, and weight loss.    

The Most Effective: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most effective treatment for meth addiction is behavioral therapy, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy. Although there are a variety of treatments and therapies available for meth addiction, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective because it modifies an individual’s behavior. Using CBT with an addiction counselor or therapist can help an individual with a meth addiction identify the connections between their thoughts, feelings, and actions. In doing so, an individual can identify how these connections led them to drug abuse and how they might cope with them in the future in order to avoid a relapse. 

Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Meth Addiction

Using cognitive behavioral therapy for meth addiction can offer individuals numerous benefits, including: 

Increased Self-Reflection

CBT forces an individual to self-reflect, ultimately to discover connections between their thoughts, feelings, and actions. While this process can be challenging at first, it can be learned. Once learned, an individual can make countless discoveries about themselves, improving their recovery from meth addiction and improving their overall mental health. 

Trigger Management 

By identifying the thoughts and feelings that contribute to one’s meth addiction, an individual can identify their triggers for meth use. For example, an individual may discover that stress and thinking about their finances trigger a desire for meth use. Once discovered, they can employ one of their coping skills. Oftentimes, coping skills with CBT consist of forcing oneself to do something healthy — instead of consuming meth. By doing something healthy instead of abusing meth, an individual can modify their behavior, allowing them to successfully manage their triggers.

Improved Communication Skills

CBT forces an individual with a meth addiction to self-reflect and learns more about themselves. It also forces them to attempt to put different thoughts and feelings into words. In doing so, an individual can improve their self-expression as well as their communication skills over time. These skills can then help them in other areas of life.   

Searching for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Meth Addiction? 

If you or a loved one are currently living with a meth addiction, treatment is available near you! At Knoxville Recovery Center, our addiction specialists offer a number of different treatments and therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy. Contact us today to learn more about how our team can help you!

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