alcohol and heroin

Is Combining Meth and Heroin Dangerous?

Any time two or more drugs are taken simultaneously, the risk of adverse consequences, including fatal overdose, is heightened. The act of mixing various substances is referred to as polydrug use and pertains to both illicit substances and prescription drugs. Methamphetamine and heroin are highly addictive, potent, illicit substances that, when combined, can be a…

relapse and homelessness Chattanooga

Coping Skills to Fight Heroin Cravings

Recovering from drug addiction can be mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging. Heroin is a highly addictive opioid, and the longer a person uses heroin, the more dependent they become on the drug, and the more difficult it is to quit using it. However, the detrimental impacts of heroin addiction on a person’s life, as well…

alcohol and cocaine marriage

Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

When a person has been using cocaine habitually, their body begins to adapt to the effects of those substances, and develops a physical and psychological dependence on it. If they stop taking the substance, they will likely experience symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms range in duration and severity but generally have physical and mental manifestations. …

cocaine addiction

What is Crack Cocaine and Why Is it Dangerous?

What Is Crack Cocaine? Crack cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant derived from powdered cocaine. Crack cocaine is created when cocaine is mixed with water and ammonia or baking soda, then boiled until the mixture solidifies. The substance is usually distributed in the form of a rock, which is a broken-off chunk of the solidified…

art therapy

3 Benefits of Art Therapy in Treating Addiction

Art therapy is often used in different settings, especially for those who are neurodivergent (think of those with autism or those with learning disabilities). In this article, we share the benefits of art therapy for treating addiction. That is, art therapy can help those with substance abuse disorders or addiction in their journey to healing. …