Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Opiates

Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Opiates

Opiates and alcohol affect an individual in unique ways. Although they are both considered depressants, which slow functions and interactions in the human body, these addictive substances are largely a danger to a person’s health and overall wellbeing. However, alcohol and opiates can become even more dangerous when consumed by an individual at the same…

Have you asked yourself why is fentanyl so dangerous? Knoxville Recovery Center is here to help

Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Meth

The only thing potentially more damaging to a person’s health and wellbeing than drug abuse is combining drug abuse with alcohol abuse. Both alcohol and meth are extremely dangerous and addictive substances. These substances can have several adverse effects on a person’s health and wellbeing. However, the negative effects of alcohol and meth can be…

relapse and homelessness Chattanooga

Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Heroin

Alcohol and heroin are addictive and dangerous substances when used on their own. However, when combined, these two substances can be even more damaging to an individual’s health, wellbeing, and livelihood. To live a happy, healthy life, one should limit or eliminate their consumption of alcohol and never use heroin. One should also never combine…

red light therapy for alcoholism

Benefits of Red Light Therapy in Treating Alcoholism

One of the most difficult addictions for any individual to overcome is alcoholism. Fortunately, there are a variety of proven and effective treatments available for those living with alcoholism, including red light therapy. Although this form of treatment may seem unorthodox, it offers those who engage in it a number of benefits.   Alcoholism Alcohol Use…

cocaine addiction

How to Help an Alcoholic Child

When thinking about alcohol dependence, most individuals picture an adult as an alcoholic. Sadly, children and teens can also develop alcohol use disorder, creating an addiction and dependence on the substance. Fortunately, there are a number of effective ways one can help an alcoholic child.  What is Alcohol Dependence? Alcohol dependence is more commonly referred…

Am I an Enabler?

How to Help an Alcoholic Parent

Living with alcoholism is not easy. It can affect one’s health, occupation, and especially their social life. Sadly, alcoholism never affects just one person though. Oftentimes, an individual’s alcoholism will affect those around them; this can include their co-workers, friends, and worst of all, their family. In many cases, an alcoholic may also be a…

Participate in activities that will strengthen your resolve after a cocaine relapse

Benefits of Holistic Therapy in Treating Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is very common and there are more than three million new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. Bipolar is specific type of mood spectrum disorder with several sub-categories including Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, and Cyclothymia (or Cyclothymic disorder). Bipolar disorder, partly because of the name, is often misunderstood as a condition…

what is a ptsd episode?

How to Stay Sober After Recovering From Fentanyl Addiction

Staying sober after you have recovered from a fentanyl addiction requires effective care, a sensible lifestyle plan, and an effective safety net. The opioid epidemic has devastated the United States for many years. Only in recent times are we getting better at learning how to treat opioid abuse and better assist those in recovery with…


Signs of Cocaine Relapse

There is a misconception that cocaine is more difficult to treat than other addictions. Some believe this is because of the preconceived notion that those who struggle with cocaine use disorders are more likely to maintain a so-called “functional” addiction. Others believe it is because situations in which people use cocaine may appear more socially…