bipolar disorder and PTSD therapy schizophrenia
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How to Prevent a Cocaine Relapse

Overcoming a cocaine addiction and avoiding cocaine relapse is never easy. An addiction to drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine creates changes in the brain, rewiring it for addictive behavior. However, it is possible for one to overcome these changes and live a long life of sobriety. Fortunately, there are a variety of useful strategies…

alcohol and heroin

How to Prevent a Heroin Relapse

Relapse prevention is an everyday challenge, especially with something like a heroin addiction. Despite the addictive nature of heroin itself, lifelong sobriety is possible. Fortunately, there are a number of proven and effective relapse prevention strategies individuals with a heroin addiction can utilize to avoid a heroin relapse. Heroin and Heroin Addiction  Heroin is a…

When wondering why is alcohol addictive, there are biological and mental factors that are important to consider

How to Prevent an Alcohol Relapse

Unfortunately, sobriety is never easy. Avoiding an alcohol relapse requires constant effort and consideration from anyone living with alcohol use disorder. However, there are several useful methods an individual can employ to prevent an alcohol relapse in order to maintain their sobriety.   What is Alcohol Use Disorder?  Despite its legal status, alcohol is a dangerous…