Xanax and speedballing with eating disorder

5 Tips for Helping a Loved One Heal from Postpartum Depression and Substance Addiction

Do you have a family member or friend who suffers from postpartum depression and/or substance addiction? Do you feel lost as to how to help them? If so, you’re not alone. It can be a very difficult and confusing time for anyone, regardless of their personal struggles. But, there are ways to support someone who…

bipolar fentanyl depression

How to Fight Depression and Addiction

Unfortunately, depression and addiction are very common amongst those suffering from substance abuse. Oftentimes, drugs and alcohol are used as coping mechanisms. Whether people are treated or untreated for their depression, the risk of addiction goes up. For many, avoiding addiction means actively unlearning behavioral patterns and staying away from substances. Treating depression and learning…

art therapy

Benefits of Art Therapy in Treating Depression

Art therapy, which is included under the category of Expression therapy, can be a useful tool for those in the process of recovery to open up about their emotions and provide mental health practitioners with insights into their conditions as well as their progress on the path to sobriety. Research has indicated that art therapy…