About Our Staff

Looking into treatment for addiction?

Let Us Help!

Introducing the team behind Eastern Tennessee’s premier treatment facility!

Knoxville Recovery Center was founded by members of the recovery community with years of experience working in the addiction treatment field. Through their experience working in behavioral health and substance abuse treatment, they discovered that something was missing from the standard model of addiction treatment commonly found in most facilities. What addiction treatment is missing in the modern world is the intimate, compassionate nature that makes recovery possible. Our staff consists of caring individuals who are also experts in their field. When you’re with Knoxville Recovery Center, you’re in good hands.

Looking Into Treatment For Addiction?

Let Us Help

Knoxville Recovery Center Staff

Clinical Staff

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Meg McCord


Clinical Director

Mary Summitt

Mary Summitt


Primary Clinician

Matthew Schuter

Matthew Schuter


Primary Clinician

Dustin Riner

Dustin Riner


Primary Clinician

Tegan Gadette

Tegan Gadette


Case Management

Medical Staff

Deanna Smith

Deanna Smith

Assistant Director of Nursing

Katlyn Smith

Katlyn Smith

Medical Provider

Lindsay Elkins

Lindsay Elkins

Medical Provider

Operations Staff

Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson

Facility Director

Bella Ustica

Bella Ustica

Case Manager

Becky Frandsen

Becky Frandsen

Case Manager

Nicholas Givens

Nicholas Givens

BHT Supervisor

Darian Woody

Darian Woody

BHT Supervisor

Michelle Ray

Michelle Ray

BHT Supervisor

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