This article explains what wet brain is, the different symptoms and stages of wet brain, and how to prevent and treat it.

20 Dangerous Symptoms Of Wet Brain You Should Know

When most people think of alcoholism, they picture angry or abusive drinkers who can’t mentally cope without alcohol. Individuals might also think of hangovers, liver issues like cirrhosis or hepatitis, or disoriented and blurred vision. However, most people don’t know about Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, also called wet brain, which can cause permanent memory issues, vision problems, and cognitive…

why does my body feel high when i'm not? head filled with drugs

Exploring Sobriety: Why Does My Body Feel High When I’m Not?

While the term ‘feeling high’ is often associated with using drugs or substances, some individuals have reported feeling high while entirely sober. Various factors, both internal and external, influence this phenomenon. By understanding why some individuals may experience the ‘high’ sensation, we can see the connection between our bodies and mind while preventing future drug…

crushed up oxycodone pills

Can You Smoke Oxycodone?

Individuals who have been prescribed oxycodone, an opioid analgesic pain medication, are at risk of developing an addiction to it. Those who have developed an oxycodone addiction may seek various methods to continue getting high. This leads to individuals asking, “Can you smoke oxycodone?” In this article, you’ll learn if can you smoke oxycodone, why…

This article discusses drinking before work, if it’s a sign of alcohol use disorder, the personal and social costs of drinking on the job, and more.

Mental, Physical, & Financial Costs Of Drinking Before & During Work

Drinking before and during work isn’t a new trend, and it can subtly slip into someone’s morning routine if they’re not careful. Many people use alcohol to relax and kick back after a long day at work, but sometimes, their workload can increase, their motivation can decrease, and the stress can get to them. Eventually,…

If you've recently quit smoking weed, meth, alcohol, or any other substance, chances are you're feeling irritable and angrier than usual.

How To Deal With Being Angry When You’re Not High

If you’ve recently quit smoking weed, meth, alcohol, or any other substance, chances are you’re feeling irritable and angrier than usual. While some people can avoid substances and seem unaffected, others with longer histories of drug abuse can find it hard to adjust to having fun, being entertained, or relaxing without the help of substances….

person offering drugs to snort

A Guide to the Dangers of Snorting Oxycodone

Many individuals who suffer from chronic pain have been prescribed oxycodone, a prescription drug that is meant to alleviate pain. While oxycodone is an effective painkiller, some individuals turn to alternative methods to feel a more intense effect of the drug. One of the most common methods is snorting oxycodone. This practice poses significant dangers…

multiple kinds of substances

Cocktail Drugs: A Closer Look at Polydrug Use

In recent years, the phenomenon of mixing substances together to enhance their effects and create cocktail drugs has taken hold of young adults and substance abusers alike. This practice has created unique challenges and risks for individuals who use drugs. By taking a closer look at polydrug use, we can understand the potential dangers and effects…

Many people are familiar with cocaine and its effects, but not everyone knows about the intense and extremely uncomfortable "cocaine comedown."

Cocaine Comedown Vs. Withdrawal: Which Is Worse?

Many people are familiar with cocaine and its effects, but not everyone knows about the intense and extremely uncomfortable “cocaine comedown.” This powerful drug has always been popular in media, showing users as upbeat, on-the-go, and manic. What they don’t show is the part that right after the cocaine wears off, and user’s noses begin…

Recognizing 10 Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

Recognizing 10 Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic

Contrary to the popular stereotype of a visibly intoxicated and deteriorating personal life, a functioning alcoholic can seem stable and successful. This is the reality of millions of people who are suffering from alcoholism. These individuals can maintain a sense of normalcy, concealing their addiction despite the ongoing struggle with alcohol abuse. Because of this…