tramadol pill bottle with 3 pills on counter next to bottle

Can Tramadol Get You High: The Emerging Opioid of Choice

As the opioid crisis continues to grow, one in particular has seen a recent rise in popularity as more individuals begin to use it—tramadol. In this article, we will explore this emerging opioid of choice by understanding what it is, its effects on physical and mental health, if it can get you high, and why…

man looking down while rubbing cocaine on his gums

Can You Eat Cocaine: Dangers To Physical & Mental Health

As cocaine use continues to impact individuals across the nation, the methods of consuming cocaine are constantly changing. Some individuals may try eating cocaine to achieve stronger effects, unaware of the potential dangers of doing so. This article dives into the dangers of eating cocaine, focusing on not only the physical and mental health consequences…

Psychiatrists and other mental health specialists usually recommend Suboxone to anyone wanting to detox from opioids, but not everyone knows the specific risks.

15 Suboxone Overdose Symptoms You Should Know

Suboxone Overdose Symptoms can be life threatening, here are some symptoms of Suboxone Overdose you may not know about. Suboxone is a brand-name prescription medication used to help individuals safely quit opioids without severe withdrawal symptoms and manage long-term cravings and mental side effects. Suboxone is made with buprenorphine, which is also sold separately under…

tianeptine pills, specifically red zaza pills

A Guide to ZaZa Pills: Addiction, Side Effects, & Withdrawal

In recent years, ZaZa pills have gained attention for their widespread availability and claims of providing various benefits, from stress relief to pain management. However, beneath the allure of these over-the-counter supplements lies a complex web of potential risks and consequences. Due to the availability of these pills, it’s essential to understand these consequences before…

This brief article aims to raise awareness about booty bumping meth, why it's chosen over other methods of meth abuse, and its short- and long-term effects.

Booty Bumping Meth: Risks, Short-term, & Long-term Effects

Booty bumping methamphetamine isn’t the most widely known method of using the drug, despite the existence of studies and harm reduction resources dedicated to it. This brief article aims to raise awareness about booty bumping meth, why it’s chosen over other methods of meth abuse, and its short- and long-term effects. By the time you…

In September 2020, Tyler Childers released a video expanding on the message from his latest album, Long Violent History. He revealed that he had been six months sober from drugs and alcohol and that he's struggled with abuse and addiction for 11 years.

Tyler Childers, Sobriety, & Destigmatizing Addiction Treatment

Tyler Childers is a popular country singer from Kentucky and, like many other musicians and celebrities, has been around legal and illegal substances throughout his music career. But even celebrities aren’t invincible to their addictive and destructive effects. This brief article goes into detail about Tyler Childers, his struggle with addiction, the state of addiction…

woman smoking weed

Is Weed a Psychedelic? A Closer Look at Hallucinogenic Weed

As many individuals are using higher doses or more intense strains of cannabis, also known as weed, they may begin to experience some psychoactive effects. This can cause individuals to ask the question, “Is weed a psychedelic?” As the classification of weed as a psychedelic has gained traction over recent years, this is an important…

Meth slamming is another word for injecting or shooting up drugs; in this case, methamphetamine.

Meth Slamming: Side Effects, Crashing, & Harm Reduction

Meth slamming is one of the most dangerous ways to abuse methamphetamine, and many individuals can fall into this consuming habit without realizing the side effects and consequences. This article explains what meth slamming is, why and where it’s popular, the side effects and risks of meth slamming, and a brief outlook on harm reduction….

roxicodone pills

What Are Roxies? Understanding Roxicodone Addiction

Roxicodone, a potent opioid pain reliever, is a vital tool for managing pain, yet its potential for abuse and addiction has led to a growing public health concern. As the popularity of Roxicodone abuse has grown, the slang term ‘Roxies’ has emerged, causing the potential dangers of Roxicodone abuse to become overlooked. This article will…