two rocks with words on them, the larger one has the word "gratitude" and other words painted on it

Gratitude vs. Self Pity in Recovery

Before diving into the subject of gratitude vs. self pity in recovery, I want to make a distinction between self pity and feeling bad about very bad things that happened to us. Many of us who are addicted had traumatic experiences in life and suffer from what’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The events…

skull and bones made of meth

Can Meth Kill You?

Rising methamphetamine use is a major cause for concern for public health, families, and individuals. The truth is that no community is safe from the devastating and fatal effects of meth use. Can meth kill you? Yes, methamphetamine use can be lethal due to its effects on the cardiovascular system, the risk of overdose, the…

man looking out his window

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Meth? Medical Vs. Cold Turkey

Meth is a dangerously addictive drug with significant and potentially fatal side effects. If you’re a chronic meth user, you’ll likely experience intense withdrawal symptoms when you quit using. Most people who want to quit using meth don’t fully understand the detox process. And that’s perfectly okay. This article is meant to help and provide…

benefits of quitting alcohol timeline

Benefits of Quitting Alcohol: A Realistic Timeline

Alcohol addiction is a complex and often misinterpreted mental health condition. It involves more than just how much or how often someone drinks. It’s about the impact of alcohol on an individual’s health, life, and relationships. Choosing to stop drinking is the first step in a transformative journey toward sobriety and improved well-being. This path…

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How Long Does It Take To Rewire The Brain From Addiction?

Addiction affects multiple parts of your body. Just as cardiovascular disease damages the heart, addiction drastically changes the brain by impairing the way it functions. These changes can make it difficult for individuals struggling with substance use disorders to control impulses related to using. Fortunately, addiction is treatable, and negative changes in the brain are…

a man white knuckling sobriety

Why You Shouldn’t White Knuckle Sobriety

Choosing to white knuckle sobriety describes powering through an anxious or scary situation (such as riding a roller coaster). Deciding to white knuckle sobriety means someone is trying to stop drinking or using drugs through willpower alone. While it may sound doable, this article will discuss the risks of white knuckling sobriety and the benefits…

valium pills

Is Valium A Narcotic? Signs, Rates, & Causes of Addiction

Valium is not a narcotic or opioid. It’s classified as a Schedule IV benzodiazepine. You may also hear Valium referred to as a tranquilizer or “benzo” in popular culture. When prescribed properly, Valium is a legal substance. While Valium is not a narcotic, it still poses risks for substance abuse and addiction. Keep reading to…

someone holding hydrocodone and alcohol

Biggest Reason Why Mixing Hydrocodone And Alcohol Is Dangerous

You may have heard that mixing hydrocodone and alcohol can have dangerous consequences. For nearly two decades, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has mandated label warnings regarding the dangers of combining the two. However, you might be unaware of why this combination is so problematic, especially if it’s a family member abusing these substances….