bipolar fentanyl depression

Why Untreated Depression Can Be Life-Threatening

Untreated depression can be a life-threatening condition. Depression can cause a person to ignore their symptoms, which only makes them worse. For example, if a person is feeling worthless and hopeless, they may begin to withdraw from friends, family, and others who they feel don’t understand them. In extreme cases, this withdrawal can result in…

Why is alcohol addictive? There are numerous factors to consider

5 Tips for Helping a Loved One Heal from Postpartum Depression and Substance Addiction

Do you have a family member or friend who suffers from postpartum depression and/or substance addiction? Do you feel lost as to how to help them? If so, you’re not alone. It can be a very difficult and confusing time for anyone, regardless of their personal struggles. But, there are ways to support someone who…

Helping a parent who has a meth addiction can be difficult, but there are tools and resources that can help

Suicide Prevention: 7 Tips for Helping a Friend in Need

Each day, more than 120 Americans die by suicide. That equals more than one person dying by suicide every 80 minutes. For the past few years, suicide has been considered as one of the leading causes of death in the United States.  While there are a variety of reasons that may contribute to someone attempting…

alcohol addict

Approaching Addiction Counseling for Your Child: 6 Tips

Parenting a child who is addicted to drugs or alcohol can be challenging. You may feel unsure about how to love and support your child if they are struggling with an addiction. It’s not easy for anyone, but it’s especially hard for parents. Their child is going through a difficult time. And, if you’re like…